Scripture Reading - Matthew 23:23

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. KJV

In this verse we can see that God puts special emphasize on Judgement, Mercy and Faith. These three expressions of God came from the Law of God during the days of Moses. The Lord points out that tithing is good but showing yourself to be a person that contains God’s judgement is more important to God. Having God’s judgement basically means that you have God’s Word on the various subjects in life. Knowing what God said about how you should live is the critical information a person needs to be successful in life. This is why the Lord desires for all of His children to be thoroughly educated about His Word. Of course knowing God’s Word must be accompanied by having a merciful heart. A merciful heart is truly the heart of God on every level of knowing our Heavenly Father. Mercy is what motivates the compassion of God, therefore the child of God must distribute this spirit of mercy to others in the world. The third component the Lord treasures is faith. We know the Holy Bible tells us, “It is impossible to please God without faith”. Faith is so important because it is the substance of things (desires, dream, and wishes) hoped for. The operation of faith can remove mountains of adversity and also bring into manifestation the realities of God’s promises. First, God’s judgement knows exactly what you are entitled to according to God’s Word. Next, being merciful to everyone keeps you in the proper position to receive the blessings of God. After that, speaking the Word of Faith will boldly proclaim that you have God’s promise right now in your life. This progression of God’s Way is necessary to appropriate the specific blessing of God for yourself and your family. Generally speaking, this scripture indicates that when we purpose to use God’s Word for judgement in our everyday affairs, and apply mercy when dealing with people we will be operating in Christian faith because we are living according to the counsel of God’s Word. The whole counsel of God is being a doer of God’s Word which instills within the Believer good judgement. Adding to this good judgement the overflowing mercy of God is really what will make the difference in reaching people. When you are a blessing to others it opens numerous avenues for God to bless you. Believing these holy truths of God’s Word in your heart and speaking them out of your mouth is releasing the positive faith of God. This combination of godly traits empowers us to produce the “weightier matters” of God and the promises of God at the same time. Amen!